Information for Referring Providers

Sometimes clients are stuck. 

Let me help figure out what’s going on. 

Maybe you’ve tried a lot of different interventions, but none have worked the way you hoped. You enjoy your clients and want to see them get better! Testing can provide clarity and direction to your ongoing therapeutic work. Many times I have seen it be the catalyst for jump-starting treatment when both client and therapist are feeling stuck. 

I love collaborating with treatment providers and feel honored when they allow me to play a role on the treatment team.

traveller looking at snowy signposts

Some common questions testing can answer for you and your clients:

Why hasn’t treatment worked as expected? Is there something we are missing?

Are the client’s problems in day-to-day functioning the result of ADHD?

How have the client’s experiences over their lifetime shaped their personality?

What is the role of trauma in a client’s current presentation?

How should we understand a client’s sensory sensitivity?

Is this client Autistic or neurodivergent? How should treatment be adapted for them?

Your input will be incorporated throughout the testing process, from formulating the referral question to understanding the findings. My goal is to help you and the client use the results to focus your treatment plan and feel more empowered. 

Remember: I also provide strengths-based clinical consultation. If clients are not open to testing but you would still like to talk through what feels stuck, let’s meet.